Massive 48” x 22” Curvilinear Line Source (CLS) Electrostatic Panel:
Through our proprietary manufacturing method, we have built-in the panel’s gentle horizontal curvature. This unique design enhances
the high frequency detail produced by the large radiating surface, without compromising overall sound quality. Furthermore, Neolith’s
1,056 in² panel is our largest yet, providing unparalleled realism and transparency.
Controlled Dispersion Sound Radiation:
Electrostatic panels, which are true dipole speakers, produce a nearly-ideal controlled dispersion radiation pattern. They send very
little sound to the sides, thereby minimizing side-wall reflections, whose short arrival times tend to interfere with the perception of the
direct sound. Their strong rear radiation, however, produces a generous amount of natural, ambience-enriching later-arriving mid- and
upper register information.
High Precision/High Output Bass Section:
Neolith features a rear firing 15” aluminum cone woofer, and a front firing 12” carbon fiber woofer both with extensive engineering to
guarantee they maintain the clarity, precision, and output worthy of Neolith’s flagship status.
Phenolic Resin Polymer Enclosure:
Dense substrate, with superb mechanical strength, minimizes cabinet vibrations caused by woofer cone motion counter forces to
provide an ideal baffle for the electrostatic panel and woofers.
Custom Tuning Controls:
Neolith features 2 crossover adjustments for low bass output and listening distance to help optimize and tune its performance for your
unique room and preferences.