Sonus faber Olympica Nova Speakers
The other reason I visited the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest was to see the launch of the new Sonus faber Olympica Nova speakers, which replaces the company’s most successful line in its history, the original Olympica. While sharing the name, the Nova series is all new. Starting from a blank sheet, the enclosure is made of 8 layers of bent constrained-layer-dampened wood for increased rigidity and lower resonance. The top and bottom of the enclosure are machined metal, connected to a vertical rear rib structure, all acting like a clamp to further strengthen and damp the enclosure. The rear vertical rib also serves as a tuned port. All the drivers are new and designed in-house. The crossover design is new with premium parts.
There are 4 models in the Nova line; Nova I (bookshelf), Nova II, III and V (floorstanders). All are available in Wenge or Walnut.
Amazingly, even though the speakers have changed and improved so much, prices remain the same as the discontinued models. The Nova V is a new model, being taller, larger and with additional bass driver.
We were really impressed with the new speakers. They are better than the original Olympica in every way. Micro and macro dynamics are far better, sounding much more lively and engaging. Bass goes lower, and sounds much more powerful and effortless. Midrange is even more transparent. You can clearly hear details and nuances. High frequencies retain the silkiness that the old models had, with more clarity, air and expression.
We set up the Nova V as one of the active speakers at the recent Toronto Audio Fest. In a room 30’ x 60’, I measured the Nova V producing powerful effortless bass down to 20 Hz!
Rarely does a new model improve on the old in every way, yet this is one case that is clearly true. Paolo Tezzon and Livio Cucuzza have outdone themselves. Bravo!!!