• Shipping December 2021
• We are accepting orders
• US MSRP: $16,000
The Next Generation of McIntosh’s Acclaimed Two-Chassis Preamplifier Design.

The C12000 Preamplifier is the next generation of McIntosh's acclaimed two-chassis preamplifier design. The two-chassis design allows the audio section to be completely separated from the control and power sections. The absolute isolation of a preamplifier's two main functions –control and sound –is achieved by this unusual but effective design. Splitting these primary purposes of a preamplifier up into separate chassis will deliver the purest sound reproduction possible.

The C12000 Preamplifier module offers both vacuum tube and solid-state output, allowing you to decide which to use based on the music being played, the audio components in the rest of your home audio system, and your sound preferences. All outputs are driven by discrete amplifiers.